Superheroes Letra

Dani Shay

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Superheroes" de Dani Shay.

Superheroes lyrics

I think about the days when we were young and carefree.
We never even bothered to ask who we are or who we should be.
We just existed with no resistance.
We were superheroes then.
But times have changed and wars are raging underneath our skin.

We’re dodging bullets and holding ground
Pushing, pulling and weighing down.
What happened to cape I used to wear?
Is it out there? Is it out there?
And if you find it somewhere inside me
Help me see it ‘cause I should be flying
I wanna be a superhero again
And finish this war under my skin.

Oh, but History has shown us that
When times are getting hard, is time for us to grow
And see exactly who we are.
[ De: ]
The morning after the storm is always brighter than the rest, right?
Especially when you know you past your test.
But the tests are only standardized in little public schools
Where they give you all the answers and prepare you with the rules
And I don’t think the life on Earth is set up quite the same
Is every man out for himself until we make things change.
Can we make things change?

So give me one thing… Something please
Just a glimmer of hope, I’m on my knees
I need to know that I’m not…
That I’m not crazy
And If I am, tell me now
So I can tie my cape to my straight jacket and bow out
'Cause I am not about to go down this way
No, not the the superhero today
I guess I’m not the superhero today…
Dani Shay

Dani Shay


Ver más info

Artista: Dani Shay
Canción: Superheroes
Duración: 03:20
Vistas: 230

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