Stratovolcano mouth Letra


Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Stratovolcano mouth" de Chiodos.

Stratovolcano mouth lyrics

Let it all out
Let, let it all out
Let, let it all out
Let, let it go
Let it all out
Let, let it all out
Let it all out

If mother earth was your body,
And the inner core was your fury,
Then the lava that flows in the chamber below is your adrenaline

In a single second are a thousand thoughts,
But only one of them makes sense to you
For so long you've held it in
Everyday you're getting closer
Explode into the air
Explode into the air

Are you alive?
Are you livid?
Yes are you afraid,
Are you afraid of what you hold inside?

In a single second are a thousand thoughts,
But only one of them makes sense to you
For so long you've held it in
Everyday you're getting closer
Explode into the air
Explode into the air

For so long you've held it in
[ De: ]
Everyday you're getting closer
Explode into the air
Explode into the air

You're breathing heavy
You close your eyes
Your hands are shaking, but you hold it in
You try to stay calm, you try to hold it back
But you can't seem to rest
Yeah, your heart is breaking right out of your chest
And this is what it feels like to be a volcano
Will it tear you up inside?

Let it all out,
Let, let it all out
Let it all out
Just let it go
Let it all out
Let, let it all out
Let it all out
Explode out your throat
Explode out your throat

For so long you've held it in
Everyday you're getting closer
Explode into the air
Explode into the air

For so long you've held it in
Everyday you're getting closer
Explode into the air
Explode into the air
Explode out your throat
Explode out your throat


Stratovolcano mouth

Ver más info

Artista: Chiodos
Canción: Stratovolcano mouth
Duración: 04:21
Vistas: 80.757
Etiquetas: screamo, american, post-hardcore

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