Sounds of letting go Letra

Cameron Mitchell

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Sounds of letting go" de Cameron Mitchell.

Sounds of letting go lyrics

And I've been standing here for oh so long
Waiting, hoping you'll walk through the door
But I know, yeah, I know, you're not coming home
So I'll play along to sounds of letting go

I hope you realize just what you've done
You just left the only one that would care enough
I know, yeah, I know, I'm not coming home
Cause I'm through with you
This is me letting go of you and all you do

And now there's nothing in my way
[ De: ]
And no complicated words to say
And you thought I'd somehow be afraid
To make my peace with yesterday

Oh my God, who knows, you're hanging around him
Well, good for you, he's a 22-year-old with a mind of a tenth
So go and party all year long
I'll be alive and well when you're dead and dying

And now there's nothing in my way
And no complicated words to say
And you thought I'd somehow be afraid
To make my peace with yesterday
Cameron Mitchell

Cameron Mitchell

Sounds of letting go

Ver más info

Artista: Cameron Mitchell
Canción: Sounds of letting go
Duración: 03:43
Vistas: 4.543

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