Sleazy bed Letra

The Bluetones

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Sleazy bed" de The Bluetones.

Sleazy bed lyrics

I know it's getting late.
But if you'd like to talk a little more.
Well that's alright with me.
I'm feeling kinda tired.
But it ain't exactly beating down my door.
Now just why could this be?

And I know I shouldn't say.
But you've been acting strange the last few days.
And this has made me think.
Your pills have cost too much.
And you can't feel them working any more.
So pour them down the sink.
And listen to me.

All you've gotta do is baby kick off your shoes and lay down.
Climb up here with me and let's forget about sleep, and lay down.

Why hide your face from me?
[ De: ]
Why turn away?
All I wanna do is pull you closer and say:
I'm feeling kinda tired.
But it ain't exactly beating down my door.
Now just why could this be?
Will you listen to me?

All you've gotta do is baby kick off your shoes and lay down.
Climb up here with me and let's forget about sleep, just lay down with me.
Lay down next to me.
Lay down with me.

I know I shouldn't say.
But you've been acting strange the last few days.
And this has made me think, you know it got me thinking.
Your pills have cost too much.
And you can't feel them working any more.
So pour them all right down the sink.
The Bluetones

The Bluetones

Sleazy bed

Ver más info

Artista: The Bluetones
Canción: Sleazy bed
Duración: 04:41
Vistas: 390
Etiquetas: rock

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