Radio Letra


Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Radio" de Purenrg.

Radio lyrics

Na, Na, Na, Na, Na, Na, on the radio
Na, Na, Na, Na, Na, Na on the radio
Na, Na, Na, on the radio

Everybody has a song to sing
Don't keep it to yourself
And everybody has a gift to bring
Don't leave it on the shelf
Everybody has a part to play
Right where you are
And everybody has there very own way to shine like a star

So when you here this on the radio
Remember love can make us one
One world, One hope, One universe
So everybody join the band and sing
With you we can make a change
So when you hear this on the radio
Let it rain, Let it rain, Let me hear you say

Na, Na, Na, Na, Na, Na, on the radio
Na, Na, Na, Na, Na, Na on the radio
Na, Na, Na, on the radio

Everybody's had one of those days
When nothing's going right
[ De: ]
Everybody's had some hard aches
[ From: ]
Some lonely tears they've cried
But everybody's got love to give
And arms to hold
Anybody who needs a friend
You're not alone

So when you here this on the radio
Your hometown to outer space
Remember love can make us one
One world, One hope, One universe
So everybody join the band and sing
With you we can make a change
So when you hear this on the radio
Let it rain, Let it rain, Let me hear you say

Let's come together
And help each other
Let's let the whole world see

So when you here this on the radio
Your hometown to outer space
Remember love can make us one
One world, One hope, One universe
So everybody join the band and sing
With you we can make a change
So when you hear this on the radio
Let it rain, Let it rain, Let me hear you say



Ver más info

Artista: Purenrg
Canción: Radio
Duración: 03:01
Vistas: 823

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