Only your dreams Letra

And One

El tema "Only your dreams" interpretado por And One pertenece a su disco "Tanzomat". Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Only your dreams" de And One.

Only your dreams lyrics

I am a satellite transmitting on the wrong side
no one hears me nothing
you are a pioneer who makes my money disappear
without a new nothing

I am a radio presenting you my puppet show
but nothing make them nothing

but if you believe that planets are visible
you would recieve a picture of me and you right there
[ De: ]
if you if you
stop crying and i die for you
when only your come true

but if you believe that plants are visible
you would recieve a picture of me and you right there
if you if you
stop crying and i die for you
when only your come true
if you if you
stop crying and i die for you
when only your dreams come
And One

And One

Only your dreams

Ver más info

Artista: And One
Canción: Only your dreams
Duración: 03:20
Vistas: 9.205
Álbum: Tanzomat
Etiquetas: synth, electronic, pop, ebm

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