One day one night Letra


El tema "One day one night" interpretado por Superheavy pertenece a su disco "Superheavy". Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "One day one night" de Superheavy.

One day one night lyrics

One day, one night
You'll find, you'll see
I was right, you were wrong
You should never have abandoned

This rotten cheap hotel
With a stale old smell
Where the hell is the bell man,
Did i call down downstairs, does anybody care?
Send me a pack of those cigarettes please
Make that two
One bottle of vodka
And one glass
The television doesn't seem to work so well
What a situation?...
What a situation?...

Lock clock, flips by, so slow
Somewhere i hear a crackly radio
Shout out the news in Español-Castellano
How much longer can i languish?
Think my appetite has vanished
Feeling sorry for myself
I think i'm gonna go downstairs
I've got to clear my head

One spliff, no light
Me and my empty box of matches
[ De: ]
Courtesy of
And a half bottle of guinness
And one love, one life
Plus no taxi budget means
Must walk, no ride
If i'm to build my vibe tonight

Can anybody get a drink around here?
At least some music
Out of the way
Let me on this

One day, one night, you'll find out what's right, you're
gonna realize
One day, one night, you're gonna miss me,
It's gonna end up being some crying
Yeah, what's the situation?
I want to avoid your confrontation
One day, one night, you're gonna wake up, wake up and cry
You're gonna break down and cry, sit down and cry
One day i swear, one night, i need to see you cry
I swear yeah you're gonna miss me
Yeah you're gonna miss me
Wish you're gonna, wish you're gonna
Wish you're gonna never
gonna ever wanna


One day one night

Ver más info

Artista: Superheavy
Canción: One day one night
Duración: 04:36
Vistas: 23.978
Álbum: Superheavy
Etiquetas: rock, joss and mick

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