Nino's obsession Letra


Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Nino's obsession" de Pork.

Nino's obsession lyrics

I was meant to be of peculiar anatomy
Ever since I contemplated all the beauty that I need
It’s my motive it’s my dream, it’s purpose it’s my will
It’s my karma it’s my drama, and they tell me it ain’t real.

My obsession, kills my light
Lost my money, lost my time.

There’s no other outcome it’s been written it’s for me
I miss out on friend’s addictions, I’m on duty I am clean
Yes, I know thinks will get better, haters don’t ever understand
[ De: ]
I’m so focused, goal oriented, living lonely in my moon.

My obsession, kills my light
Lost my money, lost my time.
No distractions, appetite
Lost my girlfriend, lost my life.

It’s my motive it’s my dream, it’s purpose it’s my will
It’s my karma it’s my drama, and they tell me it ain’t real.

My obsession, kills my light
Lost my money, lost my time.

My obsession, kills my light
Lost my money, lost my time.


Nino's obsession

Ver más info

Artista: Pork
Canción: Nino's obsession
Duración: 03:54
Vistas: 259

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