Nee (en Inglés) Letra


Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Nee (en Inglés)" de Perfume.

Nee (en Inglés) lyrics

Hey,hey,hey,hey,Where are we going today?
Hey,hey,hey,hey,piling up our memories

The dazzling day i woke up to feels a little bit good
I'm sleepy, but i've been waiting for it, too.
Are you already awake yet?
You set our plans for today yourself.

Hey,hey,hey,hey,where are we going today?
Hey,hey,hey,hey,piling up our memories
Hey,hey,hey,hey,where are we going tomorrow?
With you, wherever the destination
[ De: ]
It'll change into something special.

If the traffic light changed to green
Waiting for us beyond this point would be the vast sea
Racing like running alongside the coast
We make our usual music into the BGM

(Choir x2)
Hey,hey,hey,hey,where are we going today?
Hey,hey,hey,hey,piling up our memories
Hey,hey,hey,hey,where are we going tomorrow?
With you, wherever the destination
It'll change into something special.

The End


Nee (en Inglés)

Ver más info

Artista: Perfume
Canción: Nee (en Inglés)
Vistas: 112

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