Luv-a-licious Letra

Heather Morris

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Luv-a-licious" de Heather Morris.

Luv-a-licious lyrics

So luv-a-licious, its delicious,
lead me out onto the floor, my makeups vicious,
got three wishes, and ill rather flirt some more,
musics playing, why you waiting,
lets just dance the night away,
i just came here to flirt and thats all i have to say.


i check my phone its a quater till two,
must lost track of time by partying with you,
your enchanted by my smell of luv-a-licious perfume
[ De: ]
and honestly i cant even blame you,
so if you want we can talk and just let loose,
but i know that im not going home anytime soon,
if it comes down to flirtin, im leavin with you,
then you all ready know which one ill choose.

So luv-a-licious, its delicious,
lead me out onto the floor, my makeups vicious,
got three wishes, and ill rather flirt some more,
musics playing, why you waiting,
lets just dance the night away,
i just came here to flirt and thats all i have to say.
Heather Morris

Heather Morris


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Artista: Heather Morris
Canción: Luv-a-licious
Vistas: 97

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