Lovesong Letra


Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Lovesong" de Hb.

Lovesong lyrics

For you alone my Father [x4]
For you alone have my love, oh Father.

You are love, from you comes all
Even death could not hold you. (You live)
Now I know, I so love you
Jesus you are my Saviour. You reign

There's no one else like you God [x4]
[ De: ]
There's no one else who can compare with you.

Hey, I want to be more like you Father,
You are everything to me.
Still the good I should do I do not do
Weren't you everything to me?

I know faith comes from you
That's why I need you, so please fill me with your power
I don't wanna lose your loving presence,
Disobeying your Holy Spirit



Ver más info

Artista: Hb
Canción: Lovesong
Duración: 06:00
Vistas: 4.772
Álbum: Frozen inside
Etiquetas: christian metal, christian rock, symphonic metal, metal, christian

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