La fin du reve Letra

Les Choristes

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "La fin du reve" de Les Choristes.

La fin du reve lyrics

Look at your feet
This funny world
Full of insane small creatures
And listen to this buzzing chord
Who keenly spreads such strange murmurs
The sound's buzzing, swarming
[ De: ]
Sliding beetles, snails, and ladybirds On swarming grubs
On sliding ants
Open your eyes before you die
Sit on the grass Observe and paint
The toad, the wasp, the dragonfly
The sound's buzzing, swarming
Sliding beetles, snails, and ladybirds
Les Choristes

Les Choristes

La fin du reve

Ver más info

Artista: Les Choristes
Canción: La fin du reve
Duración: 04:20
Vistas: 154

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