Just me Letra


Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Just me" de Bridgit.

Just me lyrics

I'm just normal I do not want anyone to hear more excuses for
why I'm not like them to be myself I do not want to be unique
slum as they do not want to embarrass not like the cumbia not
want to hear more is orrible no longer tolerate hateful .....
I like to sing pop cancioines writing is that I'm famous on
facebook but just writing pop songs to write never ever would
I have cumbia experiensa on how to act if one would recognize
me holliwood records like all the other beautiful famous
girls all want in not only change my song I want to continue
my life so if you repeat that? nobody cares villera shall
never sere no no no someone who writes lovely pop someone
[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-just-me-bridgit ]
with no education ever taking the wrong path will follow
all what I'm doing

and so I say yeah I want to continue my way to hear what I
say and nothing else I will not be cumber not be changed
I'm like I want to be like I want to be like I want to be

I want my friends like them but will state school is one
thing I will not be able to change no no no no I can like
miley selena and demi but never get me to be black cumber
Villeras no no I am not so

and so I say yeah I want to continue my way to hear what
I say and nothing else I will not be cumber not be changed
I'm like I want to be like I want to be like I want to be



Just me

Ver más info

Artista: Bridgit
Canción: Just me
Vistas: 87

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