Just another day Letra

Serena Ryder

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Just another day" de Serena Ryder.

Just another day lyrics

I ran outside, right into you,
and instantly you said you knew
that you were the only one, I'd ever need to know
You said you knew the answers
and you said, that it's just another day

I came here with a voice,
a chance to make a choice
an island of a mind,
with bridges built with time
and now that I can see,
why don't you come with me
'cause it's just another day

It's just another day,
it's just another day
and now that I can see,
why don't you come with me
'cause it's just another day

I'm not saving grace, use it all the time
sometimes it gets misplaced, denies that it is mine
and then I just can't see, I get lost in misery
[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-just-another-day-serena-ryder ]
but it's just another day

It's just another day, it's just another day
and now that I can see, why don't you come with me
'cause it's just another day

It's just another day, it's just another day
and now that I can see, why don't you come with me
'cause it's just another day

Come with me, come with me,
come with me, it's just another day.

It's just another day,
it's just another day
and now that I can see,
why don't you come with me
'cause it's just another day.

And now that I can see,
why don't you come with me
'cause it's just another day.

And now that I can see,
why don't you come with me
'cause it's just another day .

Serena Ryder

Serena Ryder

Just another day

Ver más info

Artista: Serena Ryder
Canción: Just another day
Duración: 04:00
Vistas: 13.904
Álbum: If your memory serves you well
Etiquetas: pop, worth another listen, pop rock, canadian, indie

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