Jump Letra

Shane Harper

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Jump" de Shane Harper.

Jump lyrics

Your voice makes my heart melt like
Your smile lights up the room
and i can't help myself
try and keep myself from falling

I don't know if this magic
one wish yeah than it happened
Just one kiss from you sweet lips
I'm falling

Oh I'm on the edge and I can't look down
Scared to jump cause you help me out
So I'm falling falling Falling
I'm falling falling falling

One word is all it takes
then my knees get so weak
and somebody help me please
i'm falling

Chorus 2
Oh I'm on the edge and I can't look down
Scared to jump cause you help me out
[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-jump-shane-harper ]
So I'm falling falling Falling
yeah i'm on the edge and i'm stepping out
afraid to love till you show me how
So I'm falling falling Falling
keep falling falling falling

I know that we could be
So in love
It's taking over me
My mind's made up
I know that we could be
If I just Jump
If I just Jump

Chorus 2
Oh I'm on the edge and I can't look down
Scared to jump cause you help me out
So I'm falling falling Falling
yeah I'm on the edge and i'm stepping out
afraid to love till you show me how
So I'm falling falling Falling
keep falling falling falling

Your voice makes my heart melt like

Shane Harper
Ver más info

Artista: Shane Harper
Canción: Jump
Duración: 03:16
Vistas: 3.198
Álbum: Shane harper
Etiquetas: pop, teen, acoustic

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