If i if Letra

Nat & Alex Wolff

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "If i if" de Nat & Alex Wolff.

If i if lyrics

'' IF I IF ''
you always knew what to do
if something was going wrong
never invented problems
provided you gave warmth to my heart
where you would go without
if nobody promised a tomorrow
if no one promises nothing more ...

if I if I'm here at this moment that I will not forget
if I, if where you are every step that you are to give
if I if and is because every day I spent with you was like dreaming
yeahh yeaahh

I see the stars shine
I take your hand and walk
I feel a scent in the air
I would like to invite to sing then fly
[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-if-i-if-nat-alex-wolff ]
until your soul dance
if nobody promised a tomorrow
if no one promises nothing more ...

if I if I'm here at this moment that I will not forget
if I, if where you are every step that you are to give
if I if and is because every day I spent with you was like dreaming

and it is as well to jump to my heart
and take the sun better
and then ..
suits you best I can I give to whom
so bright ...

if I if I'm here at this moment that I will not forget
if I, if where you are every step that you are to give
if I if and is because every day I spent with you was like dreaming
if I, if

Nat & Alex Wolff
Ver más info

Artista: Nat & Alex Wolff
Canción: If i if
Vistas: 128

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