Hippy hippy shake Letra

Georgia Satellites

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Hippy hippy shake" de Georgia Satellites.

Hippy hippy shake lyrics

For goodness sakes
i got the hippy hippy shake
i got the shake
i got the hippy hippy shake
there's one thing i can't break
the hippy hippy shake
I can't stand still
i got the hippy hippy shake
now i'm getting my thrills
i got the hippy hippy shake
that's what we can't fake
the hippy hippy shake
You shake it to the left
you shake it to the right
you do the hippy shake shake
and shake it all night
you shake
you got the hippy hippy shake
there's one thing i can't break
the hippy hippy shake
For goodness sakes
[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-hippy-hippy-shake-georgia-satellites ]
i got the hippy hippy shake
i can't stand still
i got the hippy hippy shake
there's one thing i can't break
the hippy hippy shake
You shake it to the left
you shake it to the right
you do the hippy shake shake
and shake it all night
you shake
you got the hippy hippy shake
there's one thing i can't break
the hippy hippy shake
For goodness sakes
i got the hippy hippy shake
i can't stand still
i got the hippy hippy shake
there's one thing i can't break
ow the hippy hippy shake
ow the hippy hippy shake
ow the hippy hippy shake
ow the hippy hippy shake

Georgia Satellites

Georgia Satellites

Hippy hippy shake

Ver más info

Artista: Georgia Satellites
Canción: Hippy hippy shake
Duración: 01:47
Vistas: 5.332
Álbum: Let it rock: the best of the georgia satellites
Etiquetas: fun, metal, garage rock, cover, classic rock

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