High school dance Letra

John Holt

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "High school dance" de John Holt.

High school dance lyrics

Just one more dance with you
Before the night is true
We'll dance and dream like other lovers do
At our high school dance

Just put your cheek to mine
And let me know you love me all the time
And always I'll remember you were mine
At our high school dance

What made the hours disappear
It went as just as you were here
What made the time go so fast
For when I found my love at last
[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-high-school-dance-john-holt ]

And now the dance is true
But love has just begun for me and you
And all the time I remember you were mine
At our high school dance

What made the hours disappear
It went just as you were here
What made the time go so fast
For when I found my love at last

And now the dance is true
But love has just begun for me and you
And all the time I remember you were mine
At our high school dance

John Holt

John Holt

High school dance

Ver más info

Artista: John Holt
Canción: High school dance
Duración: 03:37
Vistas: 530
Álbum: 20 super hits

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