Georgy girl Letra

The Seekers

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Georgy girl" de The Seekers.

Georgy girl lyrics

Hey there, georgy girl
swingin' down the street so fancy-free
nobody you meet could ever see the loneliness there inside you
hey there, georgy girl
why do all the boys just pass you by?
could it be you just don't try or is it the clothes you wear?
You're always window shopping but never stopping to buy
so shed those dowdy feathers and fly a little bit
Hey there, georgy girl
there's another georgy deep inside
bring out all the love you hide and, oh, what a change there'd be
the world would see a new georgy girl
[ De: ]
<instrumental interlude>
Hey there, georgy girl
dreamin'; of the someone you could be
life is a reality, you can't always run away
don't be so scared of changing and rearranging yourself
it's time for jumping down from the shelf a little bit
Hey there, georgy girl
there's another georgy deep inside
bring out all the love you hide and, oh, what a change there'd be
the world would see a new georgy girl
(hey there, georgy girl)
wake up, georgy girl
(hey there, georgy girl)
come on, georgy girl
(hey there, georgy girl)
wake up, georgy girl
The Seekers

The Seekers

Georgy girl

Ver más info

Artista: The Seekers
Canción: Georgy girl
Duración: 02:13
Vistas: 73.372
Álbum: The seekers collection
Etiquetas: pop, folk, 60s, georgy girl, oldies

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