Gentle soul Letra


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Gentle soul lyrics

The days are dark, and the night is blue
waiting on a word, a world from you
3am and what remains
no cars around, the stoplights change
She's a gentle soul
but she can tear me apart or she can make me whole
My heart breaks like a fever
was happy, now i fear that i need her
[ De: ]
once happy, always stepping on primrose
i have a hunch, but heaven only knows
She's a gentle soul
but she can tear me apart or she can make me whole
world away whenever we're away
she says it's not that way
but mine is a lonely soul
she says the darnest things
she says, she says, "you're too sweet for rock 'n' roll"


Gentle soul

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Artista: Passkey
Canción: Gentle soul
Vistas: 99

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