Generation plastic Letra

Dope Stars Inc.

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Generation plastic" de Dope Stars Inc..

Generation plastic lyrics

It's you over my dream frame
falling from hi-grace like myself
it's you a blue star to stare us
breathing togheter
In cold sides of my mind
i'm starting to rewind
over the golden dawn that is colder
you're fading by my side
all wired i can't stop to cry
losing my only hope in this dark dead world of lust
It's you over my dream frame
falling from hi grace like myself
[ De: ]
it's you a blue star to stare us
breathing togheter in the dark
it's you living for nothing
living in nowhere for my faults
it's you enjoing this decay dance
over the dance floor of my heart
In cold sides of my mind
i'm starting to rewind
over the golden dawn that is colder
you're fading by my side
all wired i can't stop to cry
losing my only hope in this dark dead world of lust
Dope Stars Inc.

Dope Stars Inc.

Generation plastic

Ver más info

Artista: Dope Stars Inc.
Canción: Generation plastic
Duración: 05:02
Vistas: 128.278
Álbum: Neuromance
Etiquetas: industrial metal, ebm, gothic, industrial rock, industrial

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