Garden of eden Letra

Joe Valino

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Garden of eden" de Joe Valino.

Garden of eden lyrics

When you walk in the garden
the garden of eden
with a beautiful woman
and you know how you care
and the voice in the garder
the garden of eden
tells you she is forbidden
can you leave her there
When you're yearnin for lovin
and she touches your hand
[ De: ]
and your heart starts in pounding
and you're feeling so grand
Can you lead her to heaven
and obey the commands
can you walk from the garden
does your heart understand
Repeat entire song
Repeat first verse
Can you leave her there
can you leave her there
can you leave her there
Joe Valino

Joe Valino

Garden of eden

Ver más info

Artista: Joe Valino
Canción: Garden of eden
Duración: 02:43
Vistas: 1.251
Álbum: Us - november - 1956
Etiquetas: 1957, oldies, uk top 40, 1950s, 50s

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