Gabriel Letra


Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Gabriel" de Lamb.

Gabriel lyrics

I can fly
but i want his wings
i can shine even in the darkness
but i crave the light that he brings
revel in the songs that he sings
my angel gabriel
I can love
but i need his heart
i am strong even on my own
but from him i never want to part
he's been there since the very start
[ De: ]
my angel gabriel
my angel gabriel
Bless the day he came to be
angel's wings carried him to me
i can fly
but i want his wings
i can shine even in the darkness
but i crave the light that he brings
revel in the songs that he sings
my angel gabriel
my angel gabriel
my angel gabriel



Ver más info

Artista: Lamb
Canción: Gabriel
Duración: 04:17
Vistas: 1.891.180
Álbum: What sound
Etiquetas: electronic, female vocalists, downtempo, trip-hop, chillout

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