Funky moped Letra

Jasper Carrott

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Funky moped" de Jasper Carrott.

Funky moped lyrics

The lights were groovy colours,
the band was playin' slow,
we danced just one dance together,
then she
i've gotta go now.
I brushed away a tear drop,
and followed her outside,
where a long haired yob on a cycle was waiting to gi'e her a ride,
i'll never forget, that freak she went with,
tell him he'd better leave town,
cos as soon as me moped's front mud guard is fixed,
gonna find the creep and put him down.
(down down)
When i get me moped out on the road i'm gonna ride ride ride,
[ De: ]
when i get me moped out on the road i'm gonna ride ride ride,
when i get me moped out on the road, aint nobody gonna tell mee where to go no
when i get me moped out on the road i'm gonna ride ride ride.
(funky moped)
blue funky moped,
blue funky moped,
blue funky moped,
blue funky moped,
Move move move move move funky moped go.
(funky moped)
When i'm on me moped rockin' and a sockin' i'll ride ride ride,
when i'm on me moped rockin' and a sockin' i'll ride ride ride,
when i'm on me moped rockin' and a sockin', everywhere i go the chicks are movin and a groovin,
Jasper Carrott

Jasper Carrott

Funky moped

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Artista: Jasper Carrott
Canción: Funky moped
Vistas: 742

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