Funk #49 Letra

James Gang

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Funk #49" de James Gang.

Funk #49 lyrics

Uh, sleep all day, out all night,
i know where you're going.
i don't that's a-acting right,
you don't think it's showing.
a-jumpin' up, fallin' down,
[ De: ]
don't misunderstand me.
you don't think that i know your plan,
what you try'n to hand me?
Out all night, sleep all day,
i know what you're doing.
if you're gonna a-act that way,
think there's trouble brewing.
James Gang

James Gang

Funk #49

Ver más info

Artista: James Gang
Canción: Funk #49
Vistas: 86

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