Fumbling through your letters Letra

Hayward Beauty College

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Fumbling through your letters lyrics

Fumbling through your letters
and thumbing through your words.
don't remember much,
don't remember them at all.
woke up drunk again in a motel
that doesn't ask your name.
end up on the road
between hell and back.
closer to hell,
i found an old photograph.
it made me so sad
but there's no one left to tell.
it's a hard livin', lord knows it's hard to live.
it's a hard livin', lord knows it's hard to live.
it's a hard livin', lord knows it's hard to live.
[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-fumbling-through-your-letters-hayward-beauty-college ]
it's a hard livin', lord knows it's hard to live.
left town a month ago
had to get away.
ended up here
but i don't want to stay.
it's hard to go home
when you don't know the way.
end up on the road
between hell and back.
closer to hell
i found an old photograph
of you and me
but that'll never be again.
it's a hard livin', lord knows it's hard to live.
it's a hard livin', lord knows it's hard to live.
it's a hard livin', lord knows it's hard to live.
it's a hard livin', lord knows it's hard to live.

Hayward Beauty College

Hayward Beauty College

Fumbling through your letters

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Artista: Hayward Beauty College
Canción: Fumbling through your letters
Vistas: 49

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