Fuel me Letra

Crush 40

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Fuel me" de Crush 40.

Fuel me lyrics

I can feel you comin' up on my
can you feel the thunder behind my wheels?
just you try to take
just you try and take me
i will dust you back right where you came.
one way, my way.
your way, don't even try
Feel my fever burning you up
taste my passion, floor you passin' by
[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-fuel-me-crush-40 ]
eat my bitter-sweet dust,
hear my roaring fuel thrust
ain't no way you ever gettin' by
all in all, you'r time is a-runnin' out.
you will just leave here without
runnin' down on the final pace,
run you out into last place
fuel me, i can't live without [it]
(guitar solo)

Crush 40

Crush 40

Fuel me

Ver más info

Artista: Crush 40
Canción: Fuel me
Duración: 02:43
Vistas: 9.983
Álbum: Crush 40

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