Fuck you Letra

Die Trying

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Fuck you" de Die Trying.

Fuck you lyrics

My emotion runs high
can you counterweight and make me feel?
can you hear my voice come down, come down?
can you take that away and do what i say?
Fuck you
this doesn't matter
don't say this doesn't matter
'cause you don't know what you mean
I'm so tired of your ways
don't say this doesn't matter
fuck you this doesn't matter
don't say this doesn't matter
[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-fuck-you-die-trying ]
My emotions runs so high
can you take that away to make me feel
i gave through intimidation
cut back by the words you said
and the way you said them
Fuck you
this doesn't matter
don't say this doesn't matter
'cause you don't know what you mean
I'm so tired of your ways
don't say this doesn't matter
fuck you this doesn't matter
don't say this doesn't matter

Die Trying

Die Trying

Fuck you

Ver más info

Artista: Die Trying
Canción: Fuck you
Duración: 02:37
Vistas: 8.158
Etiquetas: cool, alternative rock, hard rock, awesome, rock

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