Fuck the pain away Letra


Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Fuck the pain away" de Peaches.

Fuck the pain away lyrics

Suckin' on my titties like you wanted me,
callin me, all the time like blondie
check out my chrissy behind
it's fine all of the time
like sex on the beaches,
what else is in the teaches of peaches? huh? what?
Suckin' on my titties like you wanted me,
callin me, all the time like blondie
check out my chrissy behind
it's fine all of the time
what else is in the teaches of peaches?
like sex on the beaches. huh? what?
Huh? right. what? uhh.
huh? what? right. uhh.
huh? what? right. uhh.
huh? what? right. uhh.
Sis iud, stay in school coz it's the best.
iud sis, stay in school coz it's the best.
iud sis, stay in school coz it's the best.
iud sis, stay in school coz it's the best.
Suckin' on my titties like you wanted me,
[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-fuck-the-pain-away-peaches ]
callin me, all the time like blondie
check out my chrissy behind
it's fine all of the time.
what else is in the teaches of peaches?
like sex on the beaches. huh? what?

fuck the pain away. fuck the pain away.
fuck the pain away. fuck the pain away.
fuck the pain away. fuck the pain away.
fuck the pain away. fuck the pain away.
fuck the pain away. fuck the pain away.
fuck the pain away. fuck the pain away.
fuck the pain away. fuck the pain away.
fuck the pain away. fuck the pain away.
Huh? what? right. uhh. huh? what? right. uhh.
what else in the teaches of peaches, like sex on the beaches.
huh? what? right. uhh.
Fuck the pain away. fuck the pain away.
fuck the pain away. fuck the pain away.
fuck the pain away. fuck the pain away.
fuck the pain away. fuck the pain away.



Fuck the pain away

Ver más info

Artista: Peaches
Canción: Fuck the pain away
Duración: 04:07
Vistas: 1.015.537
Álbum: The teaches of peaches
Etiquetas: electronic, electronica, sex, electroclash, electro

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