From the mud Letra

Contraption 7

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "From the mud" de Contraption 7.

From the mud lyrics

This face shows the pain static portrait tortured and broke
i tried to paint it right, but cant wash away the dirt beneath my eyes
All that i could-forget this childhood
that has left me in this state of constant regret
but now i know
The death of innocence is wretched,
the pain that it brings tears you down
Sleep, dream of white, an abstract veil to hide the grey
yet the day, we awake
[ De: ]
we're raped of all purity become out of stained
All that i tried, to look the other way
i still can never get back this grace
that's buried inside me-now i am
Don't you see your lie?
you who are as impure as i
The cleansing touch so quick so taint
the newborn tastes purity
the blood red sun melts into dust
the clean become us from the mud
Reveille reveille so long and so proud
but then you fall so far, so hard
before you learn existence hurts
Contraption 7

Contraption 7

From the mud

Ver más info

Artista: Contraption 7
Canción: From the mud
Duración: 03:25
Vistas: 120

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