From the inside Letra


Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "From the inside" de Depswa.

From the inside lyrics

Without warning,
emotions tide in like a breaking wave,
i can't remember yesterday,
i don't recall ever being this way before
cause i feel weak,
like a defenseless animal,
though my will is gone,
as if i never really had any strength at all.
from the inside i could feel myself lost in memory with you,
from the inside i could feel myself paralyzed,
[ De: ]
from the inside i could feel a change coming over me with you,
from the inside i could feel myself spinning clarity with a memory of you.
Within a glimpse,
i can see my entire life,
flash before my eyes,
is this more than momentary thing.
[pre chorus]
I'm lifted to the sky,
and i feel all my boundries falling away from me,
and i'm lifted to the sky,
as you bring out the better,
better, better part of
From the inside [x3]


From the inside

Ver más info

Artista: Depswa
Canción: From the inside
Duración: 03:12
Vistas: 35.167
Álbum: Two angels and a dream
Etiquetas: rock, metal, hard rock, nu-metal, alternative rock

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