From a jack to a king Letra

Ned Miller

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "From a jack to a king" de Ned Miller.

From a jack to a king lyrics

[ De: ]
From a jack to a kingelvis presley(words & music by miller)from a jack to a king of loneliness to a wedding ringi've played a ace and i won the queeni walked away with your heartfrom a jack to a kingwith no regrets i stacked, i stacked the cards, i stacked the cards last nightand lady luck played her hand just rightyou made me king of your heartoh for just a little while i thought that i might lose the gameoh but just in time i saw that twinkle in your eyesfrom a jack to a king of loneliness to a wedding, wedding, wedding ringi played an ace and i won the queenyou made me king of your heartfor just a little while i thought that i might lose the gameoh but just in time i saw, i saw that twinkle in your eyesfrom a jack to a king from loneliness to a wedding, wedding, wedding ringi played an ace and i won the queenyou made me king of your heart
Ned Miller

Ned Miller

From a jack to a king

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Artista: Ned Miller
Canción: From a jack to a king
Duración: 02:11
Vistas: 23.547
Álbum: From a jack to a king
Etiquetas: country, 50s, male vocals, oldies, classic country

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