Fro Letra

Ghetto Cats

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Fro" de Ghetto Cats.

Fro lyrics

When i say go you sy dirty ho. got the right flow the right tempo cause i was born and raised in da ghetto
my momas got a fro
they call me little mo
i gotta steel toe
row row no no fro fro
get the hell up and go
[ De: ]
churos momas got a fro
i hope you freakin know
so get the hell up and go
comon get the hell up ho comon lets get the heck up comon row lets go
buy the new cd by old school escamo its freakin dope lets go
chorus 2
Hope yall know i gotta big toe yo
Ghetto Cats
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Artista: Ghetto Cats
Canción: Fro
Vistas: 95

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