Freestyle Letra

Lil' Mar-t

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Freestyle" de Lil' Mar-t.

Freestyle lyrics

Burn mf burn light your a up
look into my eyes with concern
if death don't catch ya i will
you wish now time stayed still
i still got the heat
still run my street
still eat mc'z without a beat
i'm an untouchable hate waiting 2 be made
got an army of one
army of soljaz making playa hataz greater
[ De: ]
hatin' enemies now and 4- ever
no friends no foes no studios breakin' the doe
yo if you want the best rymz i can give ya
let me type somewhere around daylight because
i'm just typing words don't care what it says
i'm just ready to submit this and go to bed. it's
2:25 in this morning. i'll be back with the xclusive ones peace out
Lil' Mar-t

Lil' Mar-t


Ver más info

Artista: Lil' Mar-t
Canción: Freestyle
Vistas: 71

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