Freestyle diss Letra

Whoa D

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Freestyle diss" de Whoa D.

Freestyle diss lyrics

[ De: ]
My story is like no other i have no brother / starting from nothing and changing it to something, pushing and shuving is part of the game / struggling to bring my raps up to first class never knew how bad the itch was until i scratched/ if you want to challenge me then when's the first match / strike one two three shouldnt have fucked with me, would it seem to hard to shut up and look at me read my lips who is the punk now bitch / yes this seems like a diss because it is, when this flow is over your gonna be the only one who pist now do you catch my drift you aint shit to me just one step up from the whole jist / want me to keep going bringin the free and putting style to it go on girl get wild wit it call me c-pimp spendin c-notes murder was what she wrote over your head click
Whoa D

Whoa D

Freestyle diss

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Artista: Whoa D
Canción: Freestyle diss
Vistas: 91

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