Freestyle Letra

Big Cracka

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Freestyle" de Big Cracka.

Freestyle lyrics

Some people think i suck when i freestlye,
don't be so sure, you havn't heard me in a while
i'm back now, even bigger than before
cause i just got some from your momma, the nieghborhood whore
you look as gay as eminem cause he's a faggot
talkin about "look at me, i'm b. rabbit
i'll show my ass so the fags can grab it
take a picture of it so you can have it"
here you go fag, i bet you would tap it
and while you busy with that little faggot
[ De: ]
i'll have you girl's ass, i think i'll slap it
don't even mess with me with those baby rhymes
i could bust em all day but aint got the time
i could go line after line, and rhyme after rhyme
it's like i'm here to give you a sign
to stop your rap job cause it's not your time
damn, your bitch is fine
guess what, now she's mine
i stole er'
all i had to pay was a quarter
what's funny is you could barely afford her
she's like a drive-thru, she stands on the corner
and when you drive up she asks "how may i take your order"
Big Cracka

Big Cracka


Ver más info

Artista: Big Cracka
Canción: Freestyle
Vistas: 100

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