Freestyle Letra


Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Freestyle" de Bartonboy.

Freestyle lyrics

You're so clumsy; you couldn't be a cripple in a dance off.
[ De: ]
you want to see the next big thing? let me take my pants off i'm the real superman; you ain't nothing but clark kent i go for four quarters. you're halftime, like 50-cent i'm going to hang your ass like a christmas tree ornament i'll whack you more times than a masturbation tournament you get my point now? because before i thought you missed it i'm a viagra triple shot. you're just a limp bizkit the chances of you winning. are slimmer than a busload of anorexic women yo it's my i suggest you take the year off,
i'm sick like tyson was when he bit holyfield's ear off it doesn't matter kid. you should stop defeat me, my style's like a swollen penis, you can't beat me



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Artista: Bartonboy
Canción: Freestyle
Vistas: 56

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