Freestyle Letra

73rd Boys

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Freestyle" de 73rd Boys.

Freestyle lyrics

When u come to the hood prepare to die,pop pop 10 more shot to ur eye/then u drop dead,covered in the color red,like code red but its coshin out ya head
[ De: ]
yah we tru thugs,slangin dope and drugs,we confortable than gettin a back rub or in a hot tub,we dont get caught cause we slick as fuck,everybody knows that this is the new cut,bye a white boy from c-town,just like bone said home of the motha fuckin beat down,so step up and get fucken knock back down,we the strongest hood in c-town
rip to miss u
73rd Boys

73rd Boys


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Artista: 73rd Boys
Canción: Freestyle
Vistas: 47

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