Free Letra

Ginny Owens

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Free" de Ginny Owens.

Free lyrics

Turnin' molehills into mountains,
makin' big deals out of small ones,
bearing gifts as if they're burdens,
this is how it's been.
afraid of coming out of my shell,
too many things i can't do too well,
afraid i'll try real hard, and i'll fail--
this is how it's been.
till the day you pounded on my heart's door,
and you shouted joyfully,
"you're not a slave anymore"

"you're free to dance-
forget about your two left feet
and you're free to sing-even joyful noise is music to me
you're free to love,
[ De: ]
'cause i've given you my love(repepte after bridge),
and it's made you free
after bridge(i have set you free")

my mind finds hard to believe
that you became humanity and changed the course of history,
because you loved me so.
and my heart cannot understand
how you accept me as i am,
but you say you've always had a plan,
and that's all i need to know.
so when i am consumed with what the world will say,
it's then you're singing to me, as you remove my chains-

free from worry, free from envy and denial
free to live, free to give, free to smile
Ginny Owens
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Artista: Ginny Owens
Canción: Free
Duración: 03:27
Vistas: 12.324
Álbum: Without condition
Etiquetas: isaiah 53 and psalm 22, praise, good day, fun-loving, summer night music

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