Fraulein Letra

Bobby Helms

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Fraulein" de Bobby Helms.

Fraulein lyrics

Far across the blue water lives an old german's daughter
by the banks of the old river rhine
where i loved her and left her but i can't forget her
i miss my pretty fraulein
Fraulein, fraulein, look up toward the heavens
each night when the starts start to shine
by the same stars above you, i swear that i love you
you are my pretty fraulein
[ De: ]
<instrumental interlude-"country fiddle">
When my memories wander a-way over yonder
to the sweetheart that i left behind
in a moment of glory a face comes before me
the face of my pretty fraulein
Fraulein, fraulein, walk down by the river
pretend that your hand's holdin' mine
by the same stars above you i swear that i love you
you are my pretty fraulein
Bobby Helms

Bobby Helms


Ver más info

Artista: Bobby Helms
Canción: Fraulein
Duración: 02:45
Vistas: 17.722
Álbum: Fraulein the classic years (disc 2)
Etiquetas: country, classic country, oldies, rockabilly, christmas

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