Frail Letra


Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Frail" de Stutterfly.

Frail lyrics

I'm so tired.
suffocation stirs inside of me.
it's out of control.
my mind blinds what my soul should see.
crack my skull.
free to live and breath.
rape your mind-mind will blind your soul.
[ De: ]
free your soul-your thoughts will take control.
back to the past will i break at the right time?
feel the pull i'm dragging my frail mind.
act on my thoughts, i'd end up in jail.
my soul is pure.
my mind is frail.
rape your mind.
why don't you rape your mind?



Ver más info

Artista: Stutterfly
Canción: Frail
Duración: 04:42
Vistas: 13.441
Álbum: Broken in pieces

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