Forsaken Letra

David Draiman

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Forsaken" de David Draiman.

Forsaken lyrics

I'm over it
you see i'm falling in the black obyss
clouded by memories of the past
at last, i see
I hear it fading
i can't speak it
unless you will dig my grave
we fear them finding
always winding
take my hand now
be alive
You see i cannot be forsaken
because i'm not the only one
we walk amongst you
feeding, raping
must we hide from everyone
I'm over it
why can't we be together
erase it
sleeping so long
[ De: ]
taking up the mass
at last, i see
I hear it fading
i can't speak it
unless you will dig my grave
we fear them finding
always winding
take my hand now
be alive
You see i cannot be forsaken
because i'm not the only one
we walk amongst you
feeding, raping
must we hide from everyone
You see i cannot be forsaken
because i'm not the only one
we walk amongst you
feeding, raping
must we hide from everyone
everyone (fading out)
David Draiman

David Draiman


Ver más info

Artista: David Draiman
Canción: Forsaken
Duración: 03:37
Vistas: 521.082
Álbum: Queen of the damned
Etiquetas: queen of the damned, metal, nu metal, rock, soundtrack

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