Forgotten song Letra


Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Forgotten song" de Dropbox.

Forgotten song lyrics

For as long as i know about the things they say.
i've wondered how long they've been that way.
they don't even know just what they needfor themselves.
i felt i know at the age of twelve.
Nobody know my pain.
and no one sings in the rain.
nobody's hummin forgotten songs.
and no one really belongs.
They say a real man can show how he feels.
but when i try i just keep spinning my wheels.
something tell me i could be wrong.
[ De: ]
let's sing together to the forgotten song.
Nobody knows my pain.
and no one sings in the rain.
nobody's hummin forgotten songs.
and no one really belongs.
As i walk along i slip and wonder where i went astray.
but i'm gonna fing my way.
while we sing forgotten songs.
remembering where we went wrong.
but we're gonna find our way.
Nobody knows my pain.
and no one sings in the rain.
nobody's hummin forgotten songs.
and no one really belongs.


Forgotten song

Ver más info

Artista: Dropbox
Canción: Forgotten song
Duración: 03:43
Vistas: 5.323
Etiquetas: silvertide, alternative rock

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