Forgotten Letra

Jamestown Story

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Forgotten" de Jamestown Story.

Forgotten lyrics

There was a time, when all was perfect, no worries
but now that's blurry
We had something, that no one had
but it's all gone now, ain't that so sad?

He came along, took you away,
he opened his arms wide, there you stayed
You smiled, and waved goodbye, and for the last time, I looked in your

Love can fade, can break away, can be forgotten
but not replaced
You might lose hope, you might lose faith, but don't throw it all away, cause your

Now all I ask, is for him to care, for him to treat you
like I were always there
But please don't love him, come back to me
I'm begging you, I'm on my knees

[ De: ]
Please don't forget, all the times we spent
and all the places, we saw and went
You were soo happy, what did I do wrong
was I not good enough, all

love can fade, can break away, can be forgotten
but not
you might lose hope, you might lose faith
but dont throw it all away cause you're

love can fade, can break away, can be forgotten
but not
you might lose hope you might lose faith
but dont throw it all away cause you're

love can fade, can break away, can be forgotten
but not
you might lose hope you might lose faith but dont throw it all
but dont throw it all
dont throw it all
cuz your
Jamestown Story

Jamestown Story


Ver más info

Artista: Jamestown Story
Canción: Forgotten
Duración: 04:35
Vistas: 21.717
Etiquetas: emotional

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