Forgive me Letra

John Boswell

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Forgive me" de John Boswell.

Forgive me lyrics

John boswell - forgive me
take all the time you need
but don't take you from me
take away all that burns
and file it in good returns
the cost was understood before you took the fall
better to have lost than never tried at all
forgive me i forgot you
i forgot your hands were tied
forgive me i forgot what
happens when two worlds collide
o what a sacrifice
with all you know on ice
o what a lot to ask
[ De: ]
i guess you're free at last
the words were on the wall before i ran the course
so lets walk away with no regrets and no remorse
forgive me i forgot you
i forgot your hands were tied
forgive me i forgot what
happens when two worlds collide
the cost was understood before you took the fall
better to have lost than never tried at all
forgive me i forgot you
i forgot your hands were tied
forgive me i forgot what
happens when two worlds collide
John Boswell

John Boswell

Forgive me

Ver más info

Artista: John Boswell
Canción: Forgive me
Duración: 03:39
Vistas: 603
Álbum: Reel masters xxv: stranger in the mirror

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