Forever more Letra

Puff Johnson

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Forever more" de Puff Johnson.

Forever more lyrics

When you close your eyes
i hope you think of me
just say the word
and i will be there for you
no need to hesitate
my love will be here always
Chorus 1:
forever more
you will be what i'm living for
and deep in my heart
there's a flame that burns just for you
and only you
forever more
When you need a friend
i'll be there till the end
rain or shine
i'll be standing by your side
[ De: ]
i'll never turn away
my love will be here always
Chorus 1
Chorus 2:
forever more
you will be what i'm longing for
and deep in my soul
there's a light that shines just for you
and only you
forever more
never felt this way before
until you made sweet love to me
you're the one my heart adores
the only man i need
oh, forever
Chorus 2
Forever more
(repeat till end)
Puff Johnson

Puff Johnson

Forever more

Ver más info

Artista: Puff Johnson
Canción: Forever more
Duración: 05:03
Vistas: 3.613
Álbum: Miracle
Etiquetas: soul, rnb, 90s, r and b, love

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