Forever in these words Letra

A Shroud Cast Over

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Forever in these words" de A Shroud Cast Over.

Forever in these words lyrics

My heart is weakened with the absence of hope
give me your hand
show me your inspiration
make what i have mean something
without you my wings are forever bound
defined by a transparent judgement
stronger with every breath
my cries bury distance
life burns my eyes with hope
sweat burns my eyes with hope
[ De: ]
Forever in these words i will never forget their faces
tormented by sacrifice
the loss of you is the death of me
together we will rise i will never forget you
If god gave me a second chance i'd do it all the same
Defined by a transparent judgement
stonger with every breath
my cries bury distance
sweat burns my eyes with hope
forever in these words
A Shroud Cast Over

A Shroud Cast Over

Forever in these words

Ver más info

Artista: A Shroud Cast Over
Canción: Forever in these words
Vistas: 1.094
Álbum: Melodies from my heart to the grave

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