Forever and ever, amen Letra

Randy Travis

La letra de la canción "Forever and ever, amen" interpretada por Randy Travis fue publicada el 23 de enero de 2010 con su vídeo musical.

Forever and ever, amen lyrics

You may think that i'm talking foolish.
you've heard that i'm wild and i'm free.
you may wonder how i can promise you now,
this love that i feel for you always will be.
you're not this time that i'm killing.
i'm no longer one of those guys.
as sure as i live this love that i give.
is gonna be yours until the day that i die.
Oh, baby, i'm gonna love you forever,
forever and ever amen.
as long as old men sit and talk about the weather,
as long as old women sit and talk about old men.
if you wonder how long i'll be faithful,
i'll be happy to tell you again:
i'm gonna love you forever and ever,
forever and ever, amen.
They say that time takes it's toll on a body;
[ De: ]
makes the young girls brown hair turn grey.
but honey, i don't care, i ain't in love with your hair,
and if it all fell out, well, i'd love you anyway.
they say time can play tricks on the memory;
make people forget things they knew.
but it's easy to see it's happening to me:
i've already forgotten every woman but you.
Oh, darlin', i'm gonna love you forever,
forever and ever amen.
as long as old men sit and talk about the weather,
as long as old women sit and talk about old men.
if you wonder how long i'll be faithful,
well, just listen to how this song ends.
i'm gonna love you forever and ever,
forever and ever, amen.
I'm gonna love you forever and ever,
forever and ever, forever and ever,
forever and ever, amen.
Randy Travis

Randy Travis

Forever and ever, amen

Enero, 2010
192.687 vistas

Ver más info

Artista: Randy Travis
Canción: Forever and ever, amen
Duración: 03:37
Estreno: Enero, 2010
Vistas: 192.687
Álbum: Always & forever
Etiquetas: 80s, forever and ever, randy travis, classic country, country

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