Forever Letra

Amber Pacific

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Forever" de Amber Pacific.

Forever lyrics

In my heart is where you are, it's where you'll always be
Staring out across the stars, a perfect memory
It brings me back to your arms, I feel the warm embrace
Of everything that you were, you're everything to me
And if I leave you here forever, forever I would stay
Cause I've been feeling so much better, with every single day
And if I could control the weather, the clouds and the rain
I know you're part of something deeper, you're better off this way
[ De: ]
You can predict you can't become, lost in your ways
I miss you most now you're gone, I'll never be the same
I can hold back whene it shows, I'm breaking down to say
I won't forget who you were, you're everything to me
And if I leave you here forever, forever I would stay
Cause I've been feeling so much better, with every single day
And if I could control the weather, the clouds and the rain
I know you're part of something deeper, you're better off this way
And now you left me here forever, forever I will wait
I know someday we'll be together
Amber Pacific

Amber Pacific


Ver más info

Artista: Amber Pacific
Canción: Forever
Duración: 05:07
Vistas: 15.756
Etiquetas: pop, 10s, ballad, rock ballads, piano

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