For you Letra

Kirsty Hawkshaw

El tema "For you" interpretado por Kirsty Hawkshaw pertenece a su disco "Ot". Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "For you" de Kirsty Hawkshaw.

For you lyrics

Why is it when i wake up every day
you words run into everything
that i might say
every thought every smile
find its way back to you
every step that i take
everything that i do
oh, i haven't forgotten you
when the telephone rings
my hands start to shake
seems that i give
so much more than i take
every thought every smile
finds its way back to you
every step that i take
[ De: ]
every thing that i do
oh, i haven't forgotten you
pretty tunes don't mean a lot
but you that its for you
they don't have to say a lot
but it's all that i can fo
and you know that it's for you
and whatever you do
doesn't change the way i feel
you're all that is love
everything real
here i am looking for love and affection
here they come again
hope they're gonna find me
Kirsty Hawkshaw

Kirsty Hawkshaw

For you

Ver más info

Artista: Kirsty Hawkshaw
Canción: For you
Duración: 05:09
Vistas: 5.449
Álbum: Ot
Etiquetas: trip-hop, living, urban, torquemada

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